“Go!”. I vividly remember hearing that word as I was driving home from work late one evening. I brushed the thought aside. I remember thinking it was impossible for me to leave my job as I was due for salary increment and promotion soon. I was at the peak of my career. I was planning to buy my dream car (BMW, 5 series metallic blue), and was saving my money for my vacation to Italy and Venice. Yes, that was my great 2011 year plan.

Little did I know that God’s plan was to move me out of my comfort zone into the unknown. The very thought of not working for six months was very daunting. I felt as if someone had pulled the rug out from under my feet. Instead of trusting the Lord, I became fearful and worried. I asked God to give me three signs, and boy, did He flood me with lots of signs. Finally on September 5, 2010, I answered His call, and I told Him I would give six months of my time just to be with Him.

I finally made my way to YWAM Tampa on January 10, 2011. I must say I was not prepared for my stay in the woods. Hardly any street lights, and gravel roads. Wait a minute! Am I in America? I nearly went out of my mind after barely five days. No nearby shopping malls, no Borders, no movie theatres – I was so miserable.

The first month of DTS, especially the first week, was harder than I expected. I wanted to quit and fly back to Malaysia. Everything was so different, and I missed working very much. I missed my team and the “power” to spend money, too. I started to doubt if I have heard His voice correctly. Maybe I made a mistake? Maybe I was crazy? Maybe I was irrational?

Every morning, God led me to a nearby stream during my quiet time. I asked God why I had to do DTS in America when I could do my DTS in Penang, Malaysia. That would certainly save me plenty of money! He simply answered, “Sit with me.” As I spent more time with God, our relationship became increasingly intimate. I was falling in love with Jesus all over again. I felt like I was on a honeymoon with Him, and I found myself cherishing each moment with Him. He restored, refreshed, healed and affirmed my identity in Him during this time. I did not realize how much I formed my identity through my work until I had to give up my career. I finally understood the meaning of having an intimate relationship with Jesus.

I remember gazing into the sunset at Khao Lak beach during the last 2 days of DTS. The array colours of the sunset reflected God’s holiness and the splendor of His glory. As I sat and stared at the lighthouse amidst the rolling sea, I sensed God was telling me His faithfulness never stops, like the roaring waves. The lighthouse reminded me that God’s words are a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. That God always guides us. Then He spoke to me, “ Get ready for an adventure!”.

I had the privilege of sharing my experience with YWAM in a cell meeting in Malaysia. I was surrounded with working adults, and discovered I was the only one who was “unemployed”. I told them I may be “poorer“ with “lesser” money to my name but I was much at peace in the Lord. I found lots of joy in serving Him, learning to trust and to have faith in Him. In this season, I am more than happy to be in His Majesty’s Service. My journey with Tampa DTS may have ended on June 4th, 2011. It has been an interesting yet restful experience. My journey with Jesus does not end here. I am happy to go on adventure with the King of all Kings.

Written by Mee Gee, PA DTS 2011 Student